And on and on and on it goes… (more…)

This is dragging on quite a bit, isn’t it? Sorry if I’m boring anyone – the history is complex, as most histories are, but it requires some significant backstory to make the story world in its present state sensible. (more…)

I’ve fallen behind on my writing as of late. I’ll try to keep it a bit more active here in the future. This isn’t going to be anything amazingly interesting, but it is something I need to write down. I keep changing my mind on what the Tinkers look like, and unless I make it concrete at some point they’re never going to actually have a set form. (more…)

I hate “to be continued” stuff, but the world of Mekanax is very big. I’ve never written the history down before simply because every time I tried to get it down in its entirety it wound up being so long it’d surpass my attention span’s duration. (more…)

I have four story-worlds floating around in my head at all times. “The Vanishing Place,” detailed partially below, is one of them. The others are the world of the God Dice, the Cannonade setting, and Mekanax. The most detailed and fleshed-out of them all is Mekanax. I still don’t have a plot for this world, but it is filled with people and places of all sorts waiting on me to come up with something to do within it. As I’ve been challenged to write continuously, and have never put all of Mekanax down in text before, this seems like a good thing to do to get it all firmed-up in my mind. (more…)

At a recent writing workshop I participated in, I was challenged to produce something daily. I have been told I automatically edit my draft work too much, a fact even I am aware of – witness how I’ve insisted upon mostly-polished pieces, even in my “sketchbook” blog. Getting past the instinct to make sure it’s a “complete” thought before I do anything with it should apparently give me more things to work from in developing something I like in the long form. I’m willing to go with that, especially since a published author told me he’d buy a book with my name on it if I’d just get off my ass and write one.

I intend to mark these things as “microworks,” and they are mostly going to be unpolished or possibly unpolishable (you can’t shine a turd). That makes me glad I’ve stuck with consistent breaks before my writings thus far, so they can stay hidden from all but the curious. They’re content – but that’s all. Most will go nowhere.

My starter in the “microwork” genre is a brief character sketch of a person I’ve been intending to play with for a while – a professional paranormal researcher who doesn’t believe in the paranormal and just does it for the money until a ghost falls in love with him and winds up dragging him reluctantly into the world he’d previously been exploiting for a quick buck. (more…)

Nightmares don’t actually hurt you. Have you ever wondered why they don’t? I do like the narrator in this piece. I guess it’s part of my general philosophy on life that most things, no matter how strange, are probably just trying to get through life intact – much as we are. (more…)

I keep thinking the easiest way to make some money off my writing would be to write a self-help book. Then I realize that my philosophies on life are basically a slightly-moralized version of Chaos Theory and decide that no one looking for a self-help book would buy one that says the equivalent of “shit happens, get over it.” Even if that’s what they need to hear. Still, I gave it a shot at one point and tried to distill my thoughts into the specific sort of cheesy snippet phrases that self-help gurus always use. Picture them said in a calm, reflective manner. This is probably going to go nowhere, and I don’t really plan to do anything with it, but… hey, they’re words. (more…)

Another attempt at keeping it brief. I liked the last one better, but… well, they can’t all be golden. (more…)

Trying to keep it shorter this time. My English professor is all about “say what you mean and nothing else,” so I’m seeing how short I can write while still coming across effectively. It’s too short to do anything with, however, and I just can’t choose an ending – so I’m posting it here as-is. (more…)